Saturday, July 26, 2008

A change will be good

Things ain't any better. Neither it will be like the past anymore.

I went to help up for a bridal makeup for a friend's wedding few days ago.
It was busy the whole day, well, still it couldn't shake him outta' my mind yet.
The day was fun loving with the new friends I met there. They were great girls ~♡

However, the scene where they exchange rings and promises during the solemnisation was so touching and I almost cry out cos' think of him. But, "It's pointless to think, Wendy." I told myself. (Taken a deep breath and clapped for the newly wed.)

some 1/10 photos taken that day:

Some more photos coming up...

I decide a change maybe good.

So at least you can spend more time on dolling up dressing up than thinking of the sad moments.

I want to dye my hair black again.

I know it sounds crazy but as time goes, I'm getting more frustrated with this hair. It's getting more gold and it reminds me of him.

Firstly I dye this hair when break up the previous time for a change. He was there, sitting next to me, accompany me , watching me getting my hair done for few hrs thou wasn't the whole process but still meaningful to me.

Now for myself , I want it to be black again.

I know it's not healthy but however my hair looks more weak with this colour.

I'm a flicker-minded person.

I change decision faster than you can imagine but what I want I will go for it.

Guess, he's having some one in mind.

I got this strong feelings and some one not from Singapore, some one met in the competition.

Well, should trya' stop thinking all these and stop wondering things bout him. )=

Emo Wendy