Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Happy 29 weeks to Lil Eden!

our baby's head is getting bigger, and brain growth is very rapid at this time. Nearly all babies react to sound by 30 weeks.

Your baby's nutritional needs reach their peak during the third trimester. You'll need plenty of protein, vitamin C, folic acid, iron, and calcium (about 200 milligrams is deposited in your baby's skeleton every day), so eat foods rich in these nutrients. The skeleton hardens even more and the brain, muscles, and lungs continue to mature.

You and your baby are beginning your last trimester together. At 28 weeks, your baby weighs just over 1kg (2lb). He'll more than triple his weight between now and birth, and build a layer of fat that will help keep him warm outside the womb.

Your baby's skeleton is hardening. The bones in his head have not yet fused together, which will allow them to slightly overlap as his head passes through the snug space of the birth canal.

Billions of neurons have developed and are firing in your baby's brain, creating essential connections that will help him learn in and outside the womb.

Your baby can open his eyes now and see the light that filters through your womb. He can hear, too, so go ahead and talk or sing to your baby.

As your due date nears, your baby will shed small bits of vernix caseosa, the white "cheesy" substance that covers his entire body and protects his skin from the amniotic fluid he's floating in. Your baby swallows some of these bits, along with other secretions, which pass through his digestive system to become his first bowel movement.

My lovely lil BB Eden is now 29 weeks.
One more weeks to go and he will be hitting his first 30 weeks.
Way to go BB Eden!! Mommy is here to accompany you throughout all this stages. Don't be afraid and feel insecure.
BB Eden is getting more kicks and movements nowadays. Mommy can sense that you are really growing bigger inside.
Though BB Eden move more often, It's not painful yet and I'm still glad to feel every of his movement letting me know he's actively growing in my tummy.
BB Eden , mommy loves you more than anything to sacrifices anything just for you to grow healthy.

Personal jokes 
Was chatting with my mommy while on bro's car yesterday.

I said: " Mommy! Why your top part of teeth so lousy? All fake only left 4 real tooth? 啊姆(aunty) 60 years old already , her teeth are all still real and strong."   ( for your info, my mommy dropped another teeth while biting the coconut flesh from its shell.)

Mommy replied: " give birth the three of you lo, suck away all my calcium make my teeth so weak."

I said: "啊姆 also give birth three children! What's the different?"

Mommy anxiously replied: " HELLO!! When she give birth, all her babies are very small in size ok! I was around when she gave birth! I gave birth the three of you like MONSTERS! All at least 3kgs. Awhile "mommy I want milo! " awhile" mommy I want kopi!" Your kor kor worst! I once not at home , he took the milo tin and finished all the milo powder inside. NOT use drink but use EAT wan! "

After mommy made this comment we burst into laughter. Esp me! Cause I contributed in eating up the milo powder as well!! HAHAHA! But it's true, many pregnant women get weaker teeth after giving birth.

Before I end my post, I would like to Congrates all the brave mommies who have been struggling throughout the 9months plus to see the arrival of their babies!

Mommy Alicia -Oct
Mommy Fiona - 17 Oct
Mommy Stephanie - 18 Oct

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