Thursday 14 oct went to visit Dr Lim. He explained further to me on how baby will be coming out and contractions then continued with scanning.
Lil BB Eden is very naughty. Keep moving around when Dr Lim is doing the scanning then suddenly, he kicked directly at the scanner!! Hohoho! We all shocked by his actions. He keep kicking, don't know is excited or what. Hmm.. you ahh.. this lil naughty boy! Think he really hate it when doctor is rolling the scanner around my tummy.
Dr Lim asked me if I have come out with BB name already. As when I told him "His name is Eden!" Dr Lim just nice scanning his heartbeat and made a remarked " I think BB Eden is angry cause his heartbeat is beating very fast and he seems agitated and frustrated as he keep moving.
Overall , BB Eden is doing well in my tummy. The amnotic fluid inside the water bag is sufficient for him. Just that Dr had advised me not to take in too much sugar intake as he afraid BB Eden might grow too big for natural delivery when near to his EDD.
OHH! So cute my lil bb Eden! However, my BB Eden , you must be patience ok? Cannot be like these so naughty huh? Don't be so bad-tempered and impatience in the future alright? Mommy will love you and teach you good. Give you all mommy can give so you must learn how to be 知足 in the future k.
Next appointment will be on the 4th of Nov. By the day arrivals Mommy Stephanie's BB Addison will have arrive and Mommy Cassandra's BB Destinee will soon arrival.
Dr gave us this goodies bag. Wee! I have goodies bag!
And I begin to exploreeeee.....
Includes Avent 20% off Voucher and baby moisturiser cream.
your height x your height
Stay Happy In The 7th Month.. !