Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Baby Expo is coming..

Baby Expo is coming.. thought wasn't that soon.
It's on the upcoming Oct 2010 at Singapore Expo hall.

Baby Expo
22 oct 2010-24 oct 2010

Venue: Expo hall 6B
Admission: free admission to public
Event schedule:
22 oct -23 oct 2010 :11am-9pm
24 oct 2010 :11am-8pm

Baby expo provides you with amazing choices and unbeatable value on everything for your pregnancy,baby and toddler. Get set to make the most of the Hot deals & Great promotions!

By that time comes, I'm already on my 29th weeks as I counted. Heees! Though it gets tougher for me to go out for shopping but I'll still try my best to make the effort to get the best value stuffs prepare for my BB Eden arrival. HAHAHA! I know it's kinda kiasu but I believe it's all mother's nature ba.

So excited! Wish that Expo sales come fast fast so I can open my eyes wide to grab all the last minute things needed for BB Eden before I'm too FAT & CLUMSY to move around. =.="
