Monday, August 04, 2008

What a wonderful night @ Power house

Went over to meet Xin tian, Fion and Kenneth and Xin tian's friends at around 8pm in town for dinner. The dinner at Fish & co was great but it was so damn filling. Couldn't finished it up alone.

After that we went over to Power house. I think the entrance fee was rather cheaper compare to Zouk la. Some more the music there was quite nice just that some of the songs has been repeating again and again.

Merilynn went in and find the bouncers there while waiting for them to take her balance martell out. Haha, I'm the only one drinking with the mixer of plain water. Healthy OK! We also changed our coupons for Tequila shot.

Enjoy hanging out with the girls. They were so fun-loving and especially the "X-men, Superman,Batman and wonder woman" game. Though the action of wonder woman looks quite un-glam la but we already gotten over the shyness. LOL.

Met up with Sophia and her friend after that. Had fun time dancing on the platform. We were like dancing so long up there without stopping. How crazy can we be?! Saw Jonan (classmate) and his group of friends waving and cheering for us from below the stage. So embarrassing can! After Brendon (classmate) and his friends came over as well, not long later Vanda(classmate) came over from Fly to find us. It was the first time met so many friends and club together. -Loves!

The pics taken before setting off to the destination "The Stage".

She was still clear back then.. * laughs!

Xin Tian and Jenny

Merilynn and XinTian

Halfway throughout, Merilynn was so damn tipsy. Soon there goes Xin tian as well. They were so cute can! I'm having a tough time holding back them prevent them from falling. That's so dangerous I would concluded. My legs were damn pain I swear! I was wearing my heels throughout and was like dancing non- stop for many hours. I ke yi man!

Anyway, share with you my Idol. *wink* Love her so much. Envy her with great talents in dancing and singing. Was thinking of cutting my hair as short like her. Guess it would be pretty much manageable than my this long dry hair now. Wonder if it suits me? *Pondering..

Elva Hsiao.