Monday, June 30, 2008

School again

It's time for new semester again.

Last 2 modules to go already.It's IT and statistic.
Kinda enjoy these 2 modules.
Both the lecturer were great, nice and knowledgeable.
Great! What else can I ask for?
*Wendy hang on!! LOL.

After completing these 2 modules, I'll be able to get my Dip cert and soon a job opportunity.Hopefully I can really get a stable job and slowly I want to be a successful lady. (Don't laugh, I really had this ambition from young, alright)

Sometimes comes to thinking, time really flies fast.
Things come and go. No matter is a happy moment to cherish or a moment of heartache. All has passed. Awaiting for whole new obstacles and adventurous to come.

It seems like just within a blink of eyes, Baby and I were waiting forward to the arrival of our 5 months anniversary as well as his POP day. (^-^)v Though it's hard that we've come so far but I've never regret for the first step I've made to know you and to get to be your girlfriend now. I knew it was never easy and I dint say that it will gonna be easy.

As far as I wanted, to share a part of my life with you as long as we can.
After Baby POP and after I get a new day job, things will be so much different by then. For what may comes in the future, I just hope you will be there for me and I'll be there when you needed me the most.

This is not like some kind of like marriage vows thing here (DOTS =_= ) but I just wanna expressed my feelings and of cause' I'm sick and tired of starting a new relationship again and again where you have to repeating the same thing. It's bored yea?

Well, guess it's part and puzzles of life.

Trya' playing a fool in class *Distracted*

All time favourite tibit!

Now you know Why I get FAT!~ Holy Shit-e~!