Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Shopping/Choosing names/Appt.

Tml and wednesday is hubby's off day again.

Tml we will be going out for shopping as usual and look out the things for mini.
Baby promise to discuss about mini's name finally. Recently he's always so busy working, I've chosen some names for mini myself and need to get baby get down to the serious business in choosing mini's name.

Tml is also another appointment with my gynae. I can see my cute little precious again! Hope mini don't get overweight. Mini is so active nowadays. As usual, esp night time he will move around so much but I'm very happy to feel him moving every night. My little boy is cheeky! Really cant resist his cuteness! Teeheeheeee =D

I've noticed that stretch marks on my butt cheeks is getting more =(
So sad.! I must put even more creams on my butt and thighs already.
Insomnia gets worsen as day by day. Horrible, I find myself hard to get into sleep even more when baby's not with me.

Days passes by, though compare to many mother-to-be I'm still very far away from my E.D.D but I'm getting nervous yet excited every time that I think about my mini.

I'm so curious on how mini look like, how his eyes ,mouth , the whole face looks like and how he feels coming out to this new world.

Recently I start talking more and more to mini. When I'm free, I would read up some knowledge book and sings to mini.
Eat more fish and eggs as it provides DHA to mini's brain. I want mini to be a smart obedient boy.
Search many nursery songs for mini to listen.
Every night I'll talk to mini before sleep , actually I'll talk to mini whenever I'm lying down on bed as and when.
I can feel mini more and more real and lively each day.

Mini is poking me now non-stop even when I start writing this post til now. Naughty mini. You are simply irresistible. Mummy loves you more and more than ever. ;D