It's been very long I've last update anything on my blog.
Was very busy working and it's damn long hours of standing, makes me so tired and aching on my whole body.
I wondered can I last for 6 months before the contract finish.
Taken a lot pictures recently but I'm lazy to edit them and upload now.
Shall do it some other day then.
Job was ok for me just that have to stand for the damn 13 hours is very very tiring and sometimes you tend to get some hypocrites colleagues and staffs that makes you damn pissed off.
Have been working for 3 days and I've already got backstabbed by people and stuffs like that.
What baby says was indeed true, 拿人钱,替人消灾!
There's a lot of conflicts inside which I don't wish to know, just wish to be just as Blur-cok that they may treat me as.
It's not so easy. I still have to tolerate until next year May then can quit.
No matter what I'll try my best to overcome this and try to boost my confidence and determination with this.
Hoping everyday will be a good day.