Sorry people, only update the part 2 now Cause I'm really lazy to up load the photo one by one.
My birthday cake that babyloves get for me (:
I was telling Shirley that I think the cake lack of something.... A RING! lol =.="
Im so fat! ):
The pipis
Me & Shirley
Baby's friend. My body guards! LOL
LE Bar~!
Mummy & me
This idea comes from my mum =.="
21 cups of Martell neat the last cup is martell plus beer. I controlled n controlled hold on around 1 min after drinking the last cup and in the end , I lost controlled. And thanks my friends for helping me drinking a few cups.
caught on camera! LYS!
Carlsberg Advertisement?
I can see that I'm bloated!
Thanks all for coming!
Jay & me
Jolynn, stella & me
Me & Giselle
A Birthday kiss from baby!
Thanks to all who came for Birthday ! I appreciated all the hearts, care and gifts that I've received. An of cause Ang bao-s!! Hope you guys enjoyed yourself that day as much as I do. If there's anytime that I've neglect you guys while the celebration, I apologize. Just hope you guys have fun. For those who promised to come and in the end went MIA, YOU OWE ME A GD EXPLANATIONS!! BLUFF ME! HUMP!